Home / Magnetic Roll Separator
We as a magnetic roll separator renowned in the industries for our back breaking efforts in the direction of the quality which is absolutely manifest from the intensifying demand of our assorted range of the magnetic roll separator, is one of the imperative equipment in the dry processing of minerals to eliminate the powdery iron elements from the bulk.
This magnetic roll separator is made following highest quality standards essential in order to procure absolutely impeccable series of the magnetic roll separator. With the motive to acquire outstanding magnetic field, we as a manufacturer have inputted alloys of rare earth elements that is strong enough to remove the iron particles from the free flowing dry material and hence weaken the iron contamination.
As this magnetic roll boasts high magnetic attraction forces and lower magnetic sensitivity, they are able to separate very fine low magnetic minerals with a high recovery, is one of the unique features that has made this magnetic roll separator fabulous in the market.
The offered magnetic roll separator can be used for a single stage system as well as multiple magnet rolls under one another as per the application requirement. This is widely used magnetic roll separator to separate iron contamination from the free flowing material, wherein the flow of the material can be controlled by the feeder used for feeding. This magnetic roll separator is already in use by the several industries in variegated applications covers, copper nickel ore, Manganese, glass send beneficiation, Feldspar cleaning, Bauxite cleaning, Ceramic raw materials cleaning, Recovery of Metals from Slag, Andalusite and pyrophyllite beneficiation and analogous application sectors.
The offered magnetic roll separator has gained magnificent reputation in the local as well as global market and is made available in the assorted range with respect to its demand in the market. The entire series offered is of the highest standard and is assured for the outstanding performance span the life. Additionally, this magnetic roll separator is also available in the bespoke specification on the customer request, at the most competitive rates in the market.
The magnetic roll separator embraces two tolls, one of which is made of the magnet. The belt between this to rolls aids carrying ore into the magnetic field, wherein the speed of the belt is regulated with the help of the motor integrated with any of the rolls. The speed of the belt is variable and can be controlled as per the application essentiality. On the other side feeding is accomplished with the help of the vibrating feeder, wherein the feeding rate apparently altered with the help of the feeder.
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